This is just a reminder that if you are going to be absent, you must get in contact with me via email (which you can do on the right side of this page) or by contacting the school on the day of your absence.
By now, you all know how I do.
There is a trend of absences occurring within the class that is unacceptable both by the school's standards and by my expectations of you as your instructor.
Remember, I will and have done my best to help you achieve your goals but I can only do this if you show up to class. My job becomes impossible if you don't make it.
At the end of the day, you are adults --- the accountability of whether you are successful this semester or not is ultimately in your hands.
This means that you must accept the consequences of your absences. Take ownership for missing lessons. At this point in the semester, the content is not getting any easier. I can assure you that missing a day of class is not going to help you in the least bit.
Furthermore, those of you with excessive absences also risk being dropped from the class.
You know who you are.
I hope to see an improvement in this area.
That is all.